Who Are We?

Queen Tiye is an Egyptian company dedicated to bringing you the finest organic products, sourced from the heart of our land. We are driven by a passion for natural goodness and a commitment to sustainable practices that benefit both you and the planet.At Queen Tiye, we partner with local farmers who share our values and dedication to sustainable agriculture. Together, we ensure that our products meet the highest quality standards, adhering to stringent certifications like ISO 9001, Global G.A.P., and HACCP.


Our story began with a simple belief: that everyone deserves access to wholesome, healthy food that nourishes the body and aligns with nature's rhythm. This philosophy has guided us in every step of our journey, from carefully selecting our ingredients to employing eco-friendly farming methods.


At Queen Tiye, our mission is to cultivate a world where everyone has access to fresh, healthy, and locally-sourced organic products. We believe that organic food is not just a trend; it's a way of life that nourishes our bodies, sustains our planet, and strengthens our communities.

Join Us on Our Journey

We invite you to join us on our journey to create a world of nourishing goodness. By choosing Queen Tiye, you are not just making a healthier choice for yourself; you are also contributing to a more sustainable future for our planet and our communities.

Together, we can make a difference.